The Italy ELT Archive, a project led by Professors Luciana Pedrazzini and Andrea Nava at the Department of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Mediations, University of Milan, promotes research into ELT history in Italy and provides scholars, students, and teachers with tools to understand the linguistic and methodological principles underpinning ELT materials production in 20th Century Italy.
The symposium on 20 Sept. 2024 aims to gather experts from the world of academia, education, and teachers’ associations to explore the history of English language education and materials development in the Italian context. Participants will also have the opportunity to take part in a workshop on ELT materials evaluation and development using resources from the Archive.
The symposium is organised under the patronage of
- AILA Research Network for the History of Language Learning and Teaching – HoLLTnet
- Associazione Italiana di Anglistica – AIA
- Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulla Storia degli Insegnamenti Linguistici – CIRSIL
- Società Italiana di Didattica delle Lingue e Linguistica Educativa – DILLE
- Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Lombardia – USR
Scientific committee
- Luciana Pedrazzini
- Giovanni Iamartino
- Andrea Nava
- Martin Ruskov
- Emanuela Tenca
Organising committee
- Luciana Pedrazzini
- Andrea Nava
- Martin Ruskov
- Emanuela Tenca
- Andrea Verdino