Photo credits: Emanuela Tenca
Contrastiva (Prof. Féliz San Vicente, University of Bologna)
A web portal providing single access to two online archives of grammars and dictionaries for the learning and teaching of Spanish and Italian published between 1500 and 1900.
The Eighteenth-Century English Grammars database – ECEG (Profs. María E. Rodríguez-Gil and Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, University of Manchester)
A database containing bibliographic information about grammars of the English language written between 1700 and 1800, supplemented by biographical information regarding their authors.
English at a time of educational transition (Prof. Maria Rosa Garrido Sardà, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
A research project focusing on the discourses and ideologies regarding foreign language teaching in European debates and recommendations, Spanish educational laws, and the Catalan press.
The Warwick ELT Archive (Prof. Richard Smith, University of Warwick)
A historical collection of published and unpublished documents tracing the history of ELT between 1880 and 1990. As of October 2023, the Archive consists of 4,672 items accessible on shelves, and it includes learning and teaching materials as well as other documents such as journals, official reports, correspondence, and recorded interviews.