Registration is free of charge but compulsory, and it will be possible between Mon. 2 Sept. and Fr. 13 Sept. 2024 Mon. 16 Sept.
Participants can register for the morning sessions (9:00-13:30) and/or for the afternoon workshop (14:30-16:00). Please use the online form which will be accessible below starting from 2 Sept. 2024.
UPDATE (13 SEPT. 2024) The afternoon workshop is fully booked, but we are still accepting participants in the morning sessions!
The event is open to a limited number of participants only. Participants’ admission is based on the chronological order of registration. Those who will be admitted will be notified via email sent from the addresse Check the spam folder for any message coming from that account!
Participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

Photo credits: La Statale Immagini