Selected references

A close-up of books about English language learning and teaching, standing on a shelf.

Photo credits: Emanuela Tenca

1. History of English language learning and teaching

Howatt, A. P. R. 1984. A History of English Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Howatt A. P. R. and Smith R. 2014. The history of teaching English as a foreign language, from a British and European perspective. Language & History 57(1), 75-95.

Hunter, D. and Smith, R. Unpackaging the past: ‘CLT’ through ELTJ keywords. ELT Journal 66(4), 430-439.

Pedrazzini, L. 2016. The principle of ‘Correct Pronunciation’: Teaching English as a foreign language in the early twentieth century. Language & History 59(1), 63-72.

Smith, R. 2013. Harold E. Palmer, IRLT and Historical sense in ELT. IRLT Journal 12, 1-8.

Smith, R. 2021. A brief history of ELT Journal. ELT Journal 75(1), 4–13.

Yáñez-Bouza, N. and Rodríguez-Gil, M. E. 2013. New insights into eighteenth-century grammar writing. Transactions of the Philological Society (special issue) 111(2).

2. History of foreign language learning and teaching (general)

Burton, Graham. 2023. Grammar in ELT and ELT Materials: Evaluating Its History and Current Practice. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Doff, S. and Smith R. (eds.) 2022. Policy and Practice in Language Learning and Teaching: 20th-century Historical Perspectives. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Coffey S. (ed.) 2020. The History of Grammar in Foreign Language Teaching. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

McLelland, N. 2017. Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages: A History of Language Education, Assessment and Policy in Britain. Abingdon: Routledge.

McLelland N. and Smith, R. (eds.) 2014. Building the History of Language Learning and Teaching (HoLLT). Language & History (special issue) 57(1).

McLelland N. and Smith, R. (eds.) 2018. The History of Language Learning and Teaching (3 volumes). Oxford: Legenda.

Pellandra, C. 2007. Le radici del nostro mestiere. Storia e storie degli insegnamenti linguistici. Quaderni del CIRSIL 3, 1-152.

Smith R. 2016. Building ‘Applied Linguistic Historiography’: Rationale, scope, and methods. Applied Linguistics 37(1), 71-87.

Smith, R. 2021. History of language teaching and applied linguistics. In C. Coombe and H. Mohebbi (eds.) Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics: A Reference Guide, pp. 743-747. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer.

Smith, R. and Giesler (eds.) 2023. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching: Historical Perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.

Smith, R. and McLelland, N. 2014. An interview with John Trim (1924–2013) on the history of modern language learning and teaching. Language & History 57(1), 10-25.

Smith, R. and McLelland, N. (eds.) 2018. Histories of Language Learning and Teaching in Europe. The Language Learning Journal (special issue) 46(1).

3. History of foreign language education in Italy (including languages other than English)

Balboni, P. E. 1988. Gli Insegnamenti Linguistici nella Scuola Italiana. Padova: Liviana Editrice.

Balboni, P. E. 2009. Storia dell’Educazione Linguistica in Italia. Dalla Legge Casati alla Riforma Gelmini. Novara: UTET Università.

Barsi, M. and Iamartino, G. (eds) 2018. Le lingue straniere nell’università italiana dall’Unità al 1980: Percorsi di ricerca. Italiano LinguaDue (special issue), 10(1).

Lombardini H. E. and San Vicente F. 2015. Gramáticas de Español para Italófonos (Siglos XVI-XVIII): Catálogo Crítico y Estudio. Münster: Nodus Publikationen.

Lopriore, L. and Vettorel, P. Women’s representations in English course-books in Italy. A diachronic survey from the 50s to the 80s. Lingue e Linguaggi 10, 137-167.

Mandich A. M. 2002. Insegnare il Francese in Italia. Repertorio di Manuali Pubblicati in Epoca Fascista (1923-1943). Bologna: CLUEB.

Minerva N. (ed.) 2003. Insegnare il Francese in Italia. Repertorio di Manuali Pubblicati dal 1861 al 1922. Bologna: CLUEB.

Minerva N. and Pellandra C. (eds.) 1997. Insegnare il francese in Italia. Repertorio analitico di manuali pubblicati dal 1625 al 1860. Bologna: CLUEB.

San Vicente, F., Pérez Vázquez M. V. and De Hériz A. L. (eds.) 2014. Perfiles Para la Historia y Crítica de la Gramática del Español en Italia: Siglos XIX y XX. Confluencia y Cruces de Tradiciones Gramaticográficas. Bologna: Bononia University Press.

4. Methods and approaches for foreign language education

Anthony, E. M. 1963. Approach, method, and technique. ELT Journal 17(2), 63-67.

Larsen-Freeman, D. and Anderson, M. 2011. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Richards, J. C. and Rodgers, T. S. 1982. Method: Approach, design, and procedure. TESOL Quarterly 16(2): 153-168.

Richards, J. C. and Rodgers, T. S. 2001. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (second edition).

Rizzardi M.C. and Barsi, M. 2005. Metodi in Classe per Insegnare la Lingua Straniera. Milano: Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto.