The Italy ELT Archive
An archive of materials for Italian learners of English in the 20th Century
Ca’ Granda, the main seat of the University of Milan (Photo credits: Emanuela Tenca)
The Italy ELT Archive, a project led by Professors Luciana Pedrazzini and Andrea Nava at the Department of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Mediations, University of Milan, promotes research into ELT history in Italy and provides scholars, students, and teachers with a tool to understand the principles underpinning ELT materials production in the Italian context.
The project’s main objective is the creation of an open access database of ELT materials published in the 20th century targeting Italian learners of English. The database includes bibliographic entries of primary sources housed in the physical collection built up by Professors Luciana Pedrazzini and Andrea Nava at the University of Milan, as well as of further sources which can be consulted in Italian libraries.
In addition to the catalogue Books dedicated to the primary sources, the Italy ELT Archive includes a catalogue dedicated to their Authors and one to the Publishers.
Information about the overall design of the Archive and ways for consulting it is given on the Catalogues main page.
To find out more about the project, visit the website and browse the catalogues!
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